Roslindale Open Mike

Neal presenting a commemorative ROM plaque to the late Mayor Menino.

“It was so moving to hear such heartfelt, and lovely music from everyone, and to feel the warm, exciting, inspiring atmosphere that pervades each corner of that lovely room and church. Thank you so very much for running such a wonderful open mike. It means the world to us. I realize you have taken the best aspects of many beloved open mikes and incorporated them into one sweet venue. Mil gracias, mis amigos.”  –Ana-Eder Mulhane, beloved host of the former Java Jo’s Open Mike

"ROM is such a gift"--Kate Arata

"I love the warmth at ROM and have benefited immensely from the ROM community that includes King Yee who works hard helping others with videos and beyond!"--David Jackson

 "Monday night was a wonderful evening of music, fabulously positive energy, talent, songs.. all that love. Wow. ROM is a gift to the planet. The talent is amazing. We are so lucky."--Fran Araujo

"It's no wonder that ROM is so successful given the care and feeding you apply to it. Everyone seemed to be REALLY listening and really enjoying it." --Jon McAuliffe

"Thank you folks so much for all your contributions to the music community through the ROM. I really enjoyed featuring, and think you folks have done a wonderful job living up to "Ana's" example of hosting a warm and welcoming open mike.  I know I speak for all the performers when I say "thank you so much" for providing a space to perform and hear others - you folks are doing great work, and I am grateful that I got a chance to be a part of it." --Chris Thompson

"The Roslindale Open Mic is one of the most well known and well attended open mics in the Boston area. It was our honor to be invited to perform as the feature act for their third anniversary bash on January 10th. We had a great time and tried some new music. The evening was filled with talented musicians and amazing performances. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSLINDALE OPEN MIC!" -- Guys and Dahl 

"What a fantastic feeling of community - something we need in these times, and always. You have something very wonderful happening"--Ellen Schmidt, open mike host, performance producer, and singer-songwriter

"The best open mic in all of Boston."--Rob Norberg

"It's an ideal venue...spacious, comfortable, and without competition to be heard from ice cream blenders or other small appliances"--Jim Taff


"ROM is like an open mike on steroids"-- David Roth

"I have to say, Monday night was definitely in my top 10 solo gigs of all time. I will never forget it.  Even with my terrible memory! What a great evening all around. So many talented people in one room is a pretty darn exciting thing." – Jan Luby

"I had a great time playing. Keep the flame burning!! Please convey my gratitude to your other stalwarts."--Dean Stevens 

"Neal and Mike, you have a truly wonderful OPEN MIKE, and the  community that is present makes the welcome amazing. I hope to visit again, but when? Thanks for the pics, and your special help getting me to the Roslindale Open Mike. I was telling a friend, that so many of the musicians are amazing. The camaraderie is so nurturing and inclusive. Back in Michigan, I see a wide range of styles with open mics. So glad I came to yours. Until next time, thank you." --Sara Melton Keller

"Dan and I wanted to thank you again for a wonderful experience as features at ROM this past Monday.

We have been smiling all week thinking about how we were received by you and those that were witnesses to our Dia De La Muerta--Day of the Dead feature at ROM. You made us feel like royalty."--Angela Masciale and Dan Zampino

"I wanted to thank you again for bringing me into the ROM community, what a lovely, supportive group of creative people.  I so enjoyed hearing your songs and getting to perform for such a welcoming crowd."--Mara Flynn, singer-songwriter.

"I have been to several open mikes and venues, but seldom have I witnessed the diversity and talent you assembled in the room last night! That is a testament to the hard work and the positive vibe you put out and you should be very proud. You have created something very special at ROM.'—Mark Gorman of The Noblemen.

"Thank you soooo much for a wonderful night at ROM last night. The people were nothing short of amazing! You have such a great vibe going on there and what talented people you draw! We loved every minute of the night."—Rick Santos of Rick’s Music and The Noblemen

"It's my pleasure to provide a small gesture of appreciation to thank you and to help you out with your fundraising efforts!  It's the small things that mean the most and the world would be a better place if everyone realized this! "--Chrissy LeCato
 In Tune Guitar Picks
"Thank you for such a wonderful night. The listeners were amazing"--Tret Fure

“The willingness of ROM to offer musical events specifically to assist this church in the raising of much-needed funds is a surprising step of generosity that is deeply appreciated” –Rev. Branwen L. Cook, Roslindale Congregational Church

"ROM is 'mighty'" --David Roth

"The atmosphere created in that lovely church hall is very special"
--Ana Eder-Mulhane, host of the Java Jo's open mike

"You do a great job. Keep up the good work"--Bill Sabat